Today’s education is
tomorrow’s opportunity.

Every child deserves access to quality education and resources. Yet, there are still communities across the globe without the support they need to provide for children—communities like Mbiko, Uganda. We believe that breaking the cycle of poverty starts by caring for these children.

By working with the Rock of Ages Community School to provide education, food, water, and healthcare, we can transform worlds, one student at a time.
Sponsor a child
Empower a community
Embolden local leaders
Nourish bodies and minds

Access to quality education in Uganda is scarce.

And when the children are faced with crippling poverty, prostitution, and hunger, education is even less of a priority.

Hands4Uganda partners with the Rock of Ages Community School to change that.
Sponsor a child

We believe that education has the power to break the cycle of poverty and transform entire communities.

By providing the basic needs for children in Uganda and equipping them with a quality education, Hands4Uganda, in partnership with the Rock of Ages Community School are expanding opportunities for children and transforming their futures.
For students, an education in Uganda means:
  • Employment and higher education opportunities
  • Decrease in chronic illness and treatment
  • Protection from child sacrifice and prostitution
  • Opportunities to develop untapped talents
  • And much, much more!

About Rock of Ages
Community School

Situated on a main highway connecting Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda, Mbiko has become known as a village of drug trade and prostitution, leaving many children under-resourced or completely abandoned by their parents.

Rock of Ages Community School is a non-denominational Christian school that serves over 400 children in the community of Mbiko and surrounding areas. Hands4Uganda provides funding to the school so that every child under its care has the opportunity to thrive.
Rock of Ages Community School

Can $30/month really make a difference?

Solving the poverty crisis feels too big – but it doesn’t have to.
Your best gift can provide everything a child needs to thrive.
Quality Education
Clean Water
Food Security
Teacher Salaries
Buildings & School Facilities
Family Support

Together, we can end the cycle of poverty in Mbiko.

Our donors are making it possible to transform lives of an entire community.

Will you join them?
raised for special projects, including a new education building.
25 Teachers and Support Staff
of your dollars go directly to Rock of Ages Community School and its students.
of enrolled students sponsored

Sponsor a child today.

Your tax-deductible sponsorship meets the urgent needs of children and their families in Mbiko, Uganda.
Sponsor a child

Ways to Get Involved

Sponsor a Child

Your monthly, tax-deductible donation gives your sponsored child a quality education, with opportunities to provide even more care for children and their families, including food, water, and healthcare.

Empower Rock of Ages School

Each donation supports school staff and facilities so that they can continue to create change at a local level in their own community.

Experience the Impact

Come experience Mbiko and Rock of Ages school firsthand. Our biennial trips to Uganda make it possible for donors to see where their donations are making a difference in the lives of everyone at Rock of Ages Community School.

Stories from Mbiko

Hello Members, Merry  Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for sticking with us all this time. A lot has happened since the year began, good and bad, but still we appreciate all your resources invested in H4U. Especially your time. Thanks to all for organizing the Angel Tree Drive; it was amaz..
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2020 School Year Update
November 2, 2020
As of October 16 all Primary 7 and Senior 4 student have returned to school under the Ugandan governments guidance and recommendations. We are still waiting more information concerning the Senior 4 students but do know that all who were enrolled prior to school closures due to COVID-19 have reported..
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Building Update
October 13, 2020
Some may remember posts from earlier in the year concerning finishing touches on the new Rock of Ages Community School. Our focus was on completing the exterior of the school. When COVID-19 hit this project was put on hold as the country underwent lockdown. We are pleased to announce that with the p..
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Give them the opportunity for a better future.

Sponsor a child
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