
Christine's Story
August 9, 2020
Meet Christine. Christine is the gardener at Rock of Ages Community School (ROA). When you sponsor a student at ROA, your donation covers the student’s tuition which includes teacher and staff salaries, including Christine’s pay. Read this letter from ROA Founder and Director Betty Wasswa about ..
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Ordinary People Making Extraordinary Differences. A successful educational director ventures on an unexpected life-changing journey, not once but twice. When Gabe Flicker, now retired director of a Grace Lutheran School in Pocatello, ID attended an informational meeting about a short-term mission tr..
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As schools remain closed under the direction of the Uganda president we ask for continued prayers for the students of Rock of Ages School. “Just keep our students in your prayers because some of them are more safe when they are in school,” pleads Betty Wasswa, Founder and Director of ROA. It is ..
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“Thank you for everything you have done since you came into my life. I am so grateful. May the Lord give you whatever you want in life and may He give you everlasting life.  You are like a parent to me. You mean everything. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know what I would […]..
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Still under stay at home orders, our students and their families await the next announcement from the President about changes to the policy. In the mean time, your donations have made it possible for us to assist with milk and eggs being distributed to students and their families each week. Thank yo..
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We’re not asking for monetary donations today. We are asking for your help as we work to grow! Because of you we now sponsor 230 kids and there are at least 147 more who need sponsorship. Our school is growing, our kids are graduating and doing well. Today we are asking you to help us […]..
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The Ugandan government's response to COVID-19 has been escalating rapidly. Following the first confirmed positive case, the president put the country on complete shutdown including all public transit. As a result, the entire country - including our students, staff, and their families - are scramblin..
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The H4U Mens Team is wrapping up their time at Rock of Ages after being in Mbiko for nearly two weeks! For those of you have followed along through our social media sites (Facebook and Instagram), thank you! We were so excited to be able to share real time updates about their trip and the […]..
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Next week a Hands4Uganda (H4U) team of 16 men, led by H4U members Gabe Flicker and Randy Fowler, will make their way to Uganda in order to support the building of the new Rock of Ages Community School (ROA)! We are so excited for the members of this team to be a part of this […]..
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World Water Day
March 22, 2019
Today is World Water Day and we would like to take this opportunity to share our accomplishments and future goals for Rock of Ages Community School concerning this very precious resource. We recognize the vital role that water plays in education. Without access to clean, safe water students not only..
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Her dream was a dream for others. Her vision was to create change. Her drive came from a place deep within her soul, a calling that could not be ignored.   She grew up walking the same dirt roads and playing the same childhood games. But she had something more than most - opportunity. An [&hell..
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Love Differently
February 14, 2019
The season of love is upon us! While Valentine’s Day is mostly known for romance and the giving of chocolate and flowers, we invite you to “love differently” with us this year. “Love differently” is the tagline for Hands4Uganda, but what does it mean? When one initially thinks of love, may..
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